2017-06-25 Death Marches Aren't Worth It When software projects run late, there is a huge temptation to just have people work more hours. This tactic rarely provides a great outcome though. Read more...
2017-06-18 The Worst Kind of Bugs Software bugs come in many varieties and have various levels of difficulty in solving. There is one kind of bug that tends to take the longest though: bugs that no one at a company can reproduce. Read more...
2017-06-11 Software Projects Die By A Thousand Cuts We often try to find big explanations for why software projects are slow. More often than not the answer is that there are lots of small tiny issues that crop up. Read more...
2017-06-04 Not Everything Needs To Scale Scalability is a huge concern for developers and rightly so. There are however times when it doesn't need to be. Read more...
2017-05-28 Accuracy vs Clarity Being accurate seems to be the most important thing when conveying information. However, sometimes it is worth trading in a little bit of accuracy for a lot of clarity. Read more...