2019-08-13 Minimizing Switching Costs in Software Development Switching costs are unavoidable in software development. There is always some third party we will need to depend on. Switching a third party for another vendor will always be painful. Fortunately, there are steps that can be taken to minimize that pain. Read more...
2019-06-24 Accounting For Inaccurate Software Estimates There is a diminishing return in trying to create an ever more accurate estimate. The real value is working on how you can better handle situations where estimates end up being inaccurate. Read more...
2019-06-03 Randomness in Software Estimates It is tempting to think that if we can create accurate estimates in software development if we only worked on getting better at it. However, there are factors beyond technical ones that affect the time software takes to build and those factors tend to be hard to predict. Read more...
2019-04-30 Can't Be A Software Architect Without Writing Code Occassionally, you may encounter a software architect who has let the title go to their head. They believe that writing code is beneath them. This attitude makes them unqualified to be a software architect. Read more...
2019-04-14 A Risky Way To Account For Changing Product Requirements Accounting for a product requirements change is a challenging affair, but also part of the nature of software development. There's no avoiding it. There is one tactic for doing so that is growing on me, though it does come with some risks. Read more...